OIC now! Fact vs. Opinion, Concept, Theory
In case you haven't figured it out "OICnow" is "OH, I see now!" Yup, that feeling when realization of something sets in to your brain. Posted here are Concepts, Facts, Opinions, Theories and just interesting stuff like epiphanies about LOVE
- CONCEPTS are ideas on how to do something or how things work
- FACTS to us is verifiable truth - verifiable = making sure or demonstrating that (something) is true, accurate, or justified
- In science it is when you can repeat the experiment and get the same results
- In reporting it is when you can find several sources that you can trust (and even then it might not be fact)
- HYPOTHESIS - Best or educated guesses as to why something happened or happens
- OPINIONS are just what a person thinks about something and it doesn't mean it is true
- THEORIES are ideas that try to explain whatever they are about ... like the Theory of Relativity in Physics ... and then are tested to see if they prove out to be fact.
- OICnow! are epiphanies (bright light turned on in brain when understanding something)
Try to not get confused between what is fact and opinion, concept or theory.